Bundesverband Internetmedizin e.V. (BiM)

You would like to become a member?

Anyone who fulfils the following requirements in accordance with the statutes of 23 November 2012 can become a member of the Bundesverband Internetmedizin (BiM):


  1. Full members of the association can be providers of medical services on the Internet, in particular service providers under health insurance law or private law and other health care companies and their cooperations, networks, associations, cooperatives and representatives. Furthermore, patient/user initiatives and medical self-help groups can be regular members. The prerequisite for regular membership is a positive sustainable commitment in or for Internet medicine.
  2. Another supporting membership is possible for companies, organisations and individuals who, without falling under sentence 1, are interested in providing services in Internet medicine or in strengthening Internet medicine on a long-term basis. However, this only applies insofar as they are not at the same time the owner or co-owner of a company or are not in an employment or work relationship with a company which is not a member of the BIM but would be a regular member if they joined.


The board decides on your membership application. You can download the application form for membership here. You can find the currently valid statutes of the association in PDF format here.


Our Members

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